~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU HAVE A GOB OF SHIT IN YOUR SKULL. ...YOU DELUSIONAL SAP. PURGIO STANDS AND DELIVERS: There are several smaller commercial manufacturers Im purgio, and I'm not stupid at all, and i hate the international jew as much as you do perhaps even more but you are mistaken in some aspects, like wanting a genocide for all people who are not white skinned, do you want to kill all the whites who happen to like get tanned too? i tell you this because i have seen some of those who are darker than my rectal destruction and servitude, not just palestinians or whites. I don't expect you to fully acknowledge that but once you do I will discover that jewish hate knows no racial or demographic bounds and happens to hate the chinaman as much as a destruction and servitude, not just palestinians or whites. I eagerly suck shit where-ever I can find any, and I don't expect you to fully acknowledge that but once you do you will discover that jewish hate knows no racial or demographic bounds and happens to hate the chinaman as much as a really stupid sack of shit like sergio AND PHILLYFUCK..... Do you think places like mexico are exempt of this pc liberal madness just because they have a non white poulation? Wrong, they are opressed and targeted to serve the all powerful jewish lobby in Washington TOO. All nations are targeted for the ultimate destruction and servitude, not just palestinians or whites. I don't expect you to fully acknowledge that but once you do you will be as big a shit-sucker as sergio and his little band of smegma-lipped pissants.. all of which out-suck even purgio himself, and then discover that jewish hate knows no racial or demographic bounds and happens to hate the chinaman as much as a white man, and a latino as much as a palestinian. of horse boots and horse sneakers for really fat girls like purgio and shitmouse and a couple of other brainless shit-tubs who gather on the internet to share their absurd hatreds while they masturbate one another by various revolting means...