Thread: Romneycare
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Old 02-04-2012, 03:36 AM   #35

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So? Does anybody think instituting a gov't run healthcare program is a wise decision?

I sure don't.
Federal. NO. State, I don't mind it.

In fact, I still don't understand why these state programs weren't reformed, perhaps used as a model, before they even talked about going federal with it. All of them, on some level are run amok with corruption, fraud, and many fall over budget, so why not start there? They're going to hand it over to the same incompetent fucks?

All we've heard for decades is that health care needs reform. Mandating, isn't reform. Not on any level. Not from the cost of a bandage, to the cost of a MRI, or the cost of cancer treatment. Even if Obama care isn't repealed, it will be a major disaster. Maybe not right away. But eventually it will, because nothing was repaired that was broken in the first place.
Kdgjhytiy is offline


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