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Old 01-29-2012, 04:33 AM   #28

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What a joke.. I can't believe the entire audience didn't just get up and walk out in disgust.

Did you guys see this thing? It's just one lie after another.. It's amazing to watch him defend "investments" that are going to make us the electric car battery center of the galaxy, and to pledge a concrete commitment to continuing these successful endeavors, then to watch the company he praised go bankrupt two days later.. Like the other company he bragged about in California. (Solyndra) To claim he wants an "All of the above" energy strategy, right after he attacked and destroyed the Keystone pipeline and shut down offshore drilling. How he's policing the border like Joe Effing Stalin, but suing Arizona.. How he's going to get tough on cheating trade partners, while he's sold us out at every turn, from the Petrobras deal to winking at China. How he wants to expand tax relief and (shudder) "incentives" to small business, even as his energy policies raise their operating costs and rip money from the pockets of their customers.. And it just goes one and on and on.. For more than an hour.

Basically, he just vacillates between espousing populist positions he doesn't believe and has refused to defend (At times it's as though he's running as a Republican) and promising to double down on the same, failed, liberal policies he's pursued through thick and thin for the last three years.. While pausing frequently to smirk (Yeah, he actually does that) and praise himself... And blame (Presumably Republican) partisans for all our woes..

Here it is if you need a laugh.. Or a cry, as the case may be.

There's no point in analyzing the speech itself, because of this.. (It's just self aggrandizement, lies and more of the same) but it does say much about the upcoming election.. Because this speech doubles as the campaign the kick off.

Ask yourself: Can you imagine this man winning anything? Can you imagine him walking out on the debate stage armed with this? The man is going to be left campaigning against reality itself.. and against common sense.

Do you think for a minute that anyone (Besides the unions and the niggers) is going to buy this?

I don't.. Primarily because the lies are so bad, and they're so obvious as to implicitly insult the listener.. Add to that the guy on the OTHER side of the stage, hammering at him, and I think you've you've got the weakest incumbent President in my lifetime. His team is obviously terrified.. Thus the references to "All of the above" energy and border control and all of that.

They know he's in huge trouble, and he's being forced to BEGIN his campaign from the center right as a result..

By way of comparison, CSPAN has Reagan's last SOTU video in their archives.. The contrast is pretty amazing.
Hoff, you need to get the fuck outta here.....the president does what a politician does...lies. Why you white motherfuckers keep trying to make Obama out to be this fuckin saint and the last 200 years of white presidents who lie too, out to be just okay??
Blacksheepaalredy is offline


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