The Anti-Pauls are a bunch of misfits, too. What's scary, is that people are willing to vote for a candidate simply on the premise of beating Obama. What does that say about the core beliefs of so called Conservatism? I want Obama to suffer defeat as much as the next guy, but not at the risk of voting away my principles. I didn't do it last time, I won't do it this go around. If you listened to the SOTU, he's well on his way. He's not even connecting with those that got him elected. He attempted to appeal to Conservatives/Moderates, and said things that even he can't (has no intention to) make happen. Washington is broken, he said. Again. He promised to fix it four years ago, and still today, he "wants" to fix it. In one breath he would say that, yet in another, he would expand government even larger. Either people weren't/aren't listening, or they're brain dead. Let's do this!!