Men are finished.
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01-16-2012, 02:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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One doesn't check feminism by fighting it. In fighting, you create a loser, and hence, a victim, which is power.
No, one annihilates it completely, via refusal to listen, and quiet tolerance in the face of attack. If attacked, you are now the victim. Your attacker transfers that moral authority to you.
Presto! You're now the victim!
You win! And the loser has no basis for the exacting of '
Men have won the sex war. They just don't know it. As they become aware of it, feminism will pass away. And to an accompaniment of grateful female laughter.
And true equality will not be what women have supposed. Left with nothing to gain, and everything to lose, expect that women will turn on feminists; recognising them as far worse than men ever were. Having been the victims for so long, they will cower before the unaccustomed accountability (having finally recognised what it truly means), and seek to turn back the clock in a mad scramble for relief. Only, being too late, and now being the new oppressors, they will seek to humble themselves. To no avail.
To add to their misery, history will record that, just as men were once their tyrants, they have become their emancipators. That the credit is not theirs. The record will reflect that, in the final moments, women burst their guts, trying frantically to halt the 'progression of equality'. And the future generations of women will lament this fact. For fact it shall become. And there will be no solace for them.
What should have been their great victory, shall resound forever as their worst defeat; and one wrought wholly by themselves.
The 'woman's struggle' shall be unmasked as being no more than the same old shit. That what they were doing was no more than that which was done to them. And that they were wilfully complicit in their most sublime defeat.
There has never been a women's struggle. It was always a 'struggle' for men to improve their attitudes. Women could not 'rise up' and 'fight back'. They lack the biology. Had women been capable of doing so, they should not have endured millennia of brutality. No, they could not 'fight back'.
Women will win. And lose.
Big time.
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