Anybody but Obama?
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01-03-2012, 06:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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Newt Gingrich:
Supported the TARP bailouts. Stated in 2008 that he would have voted for TARP bailouts if he were a member of Congress.
Advocated socialized health care. Supported the idea of an individual mandate in his 2008 book "Real Change" and confirmed that position in early 2011.
Has raised taxes.
Advocates preemptive war.
Supports the Patriot Act.
Condones the use of torture.
Supports the federal war on drugs. In fact, Newt believes that we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
Earned between $1.6 and $1.8 million for doing next to nothing for Freddie Mac - he's the epitome of Washington insider.
Propped up the ethanol lobby with taxpayer dollars, tariffs, and mandates.
Advocated cap and trade.
Voted for NAFTA and is a staunch supporter of the WTO.
Pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants, a policy which would lead to more illegal behavior.
Supported the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 restricting the 2nd amendment rights of gun owners.
Voted for the creation of the federal Dept. of Education in 1979.
Has been unable to manage his personal or campaign finances.
Fined $300,000 by the House Ethics Committee.
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