Ron Paul: Opposed the TARP bailouts. Opposes socialized health care. Has never voted for a tax increase. Opposes preemptive war. He would end all foreign militarism and bring the troops home! In fact, he has more financial support from active-duty military than Obama or all other GOP candidates combined! Opposes the Patriot Act, which has done nothing but empower the federal government to steal our liberties! Opposes the use of torture as it is immoral and ineffective. Opposes the failed federal war on drugs. Proposed a plan to cut $1 trillion from the first year's budget. Advocates abolishing the income tax and the IRS. Predicted the economic collapse in 2003. Supports an exhaustive audit of the Federal Reserve. Defender of free markets and an expert in economics. Most of his support comes from individuals, not large lobbying organizations. Opposes cap and trade. Opposes federal legalization of abortion and would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. Advocate for keeping the Internet free from government control.