No I haven't. I'm not excited about any of the repubs. I think I like Bachman best, but unlike you, I realize that she just doesn't have that "X" factor to get elected just like Paul has a horrible idealistic POV about foriegn policy that keeps him from being taken seriously. I think I've told you that I actually met and have had dinner with Ron a few times, so I do know him. I just can't support him and what I know to be dangerous foreign policy. I'm sure we would. I get along fine with leftest too IRL. If you think your candidate is a winner, then by all means support him, but don't whine about others who don't and who point out his faults -- the left is going to tear him down worse that I can. None of the politicians I like are running so for me to pick one and try to have a discussion with you about the two would be like you bragging about your girlfriend and me left with talking about my sister. I'm not fighting with you...but it is goofy to me that anyone supports him. Bachman got to him and everyone saw just how crazy he can get. I don't think for one moment that Ron really thinks Bachman hates Muslims, but he said it anyway. Not he's stuck being a liar. And now you know why. If I had a horse in the race it would be different. I will have a horse once this idiotic early primary thing is over and I come to grips with yet another compromise candidate I'll be forced with, but then we're both likely to be rooting on the same mutt.[/COLOR][/B]