Incredibly poor numbers for Obama. Why are GOP'ers supposed to chase Indys again?
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12-20-2011, 06:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Incredibly poor numbers for Obama. Why are GOP'ers supposed to chase Indys again?
Only 28 percent said they expect his policies to increase opportunity for them to get ahead; 37 percent say that his agenda will diminish their opportunities. That’s the biggest tilt toward the negative that the poll has ever recorded on this question. Obama is underwater with everybody.. Just bam, bam, bam, straight across the board.
Some of the polls I've seen show him with as little as 33% support among independents.
SO WHY isn't Obama being advised to moderate his position?
Why isn't he considered "extreme"
He clearly is.. and the sentiment he's invoked is extreme as a result.
But not a word! Nobody is telling him that he has to chase independents around, or reach across the isle..
What gives?
If you can do THIS POORLY and not be told you must moderate your position to win re-election, then when do you reach that threshold? Can it be reached by a democrat?
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