The ultimate troll job in the history of the planet.. Imagine if you leaked a rumor that the Republicans were planning to sweep both houses and the Executive, and were planning to pass a simple bill that read something like: 1) Every law bearing the signature of President Barack Obama is null and void. 2) (List of any exceptions to the above.) 3) Every budget appropriation to every government agency will have to be paid back. 4) (List of any exceptions to the above.) 5) All of the stimulus money will have to be paid back.. We'll simply assess it as a tax.. 6) (List of any exceptions to the above.) 7) Any federal judges appointed by the Administration are fired. 8) (List of any exceptions to the above.) This effectively nullifies his entire presidency, his legacy.. it claws back the crony money his pals got. It just wipes it all away in one stroke. Claim it's being drafted in secret and has support from top Republican donors... and leak it. Get the Presidential front runners to comment that perhaps the concept has merit, but they'd have to see the details, of course.. Consider: The left would spin themselves into the ground fighting something like this... With no specifics, they'd just go insane. It's not a bill, so you can't attack it or the Republicans directly for it.. It's a rumor. It would encourage a dialogue on repealing not just Obama-care, but Obama himself. Everything would STOP. All the cronies would go ape-shit. Everyone, everywhere who thinks Obama helped them with tailored legislation or $$$ would collectively shit. Entire branches of government would shit.. Cronies would be afraid to take the money.. Rabid Liberals would be frothing at the mouth like occupy wall streeters.. There's never been anything like it. They'd go insane over the discussion alone: That it's actually possible to nullify a President and his Presidency. They can't handle talk like this.. They'd lose it at the mere mention of nullifying 4 long years of Democrat rule.