Lesson for the teacher: The small business owners are just as much part of the 99% as the unemployed recent college graduate or the person who was laid off when they were over 50 years old, or the struggling young parents who have no health insurance because struggling businesses cannot afford to hire them full time or to give them health benefits. So they have several part time jobs. Who takes care of the children? It isn't small business owners that these people are railing against, it those who speculate in money and then take money from government. It's those who do things like bundle mortgages and then sell them to an unsuspecting purchaser because the vetting was bad. It's the government who bails out bankers to save the economy who then in turn have lavish parties and give themselves fat bonuses on the backs of the small businesses struggling to survive. My husband has a small business. He supports the OWS movement. NAFTA was part of the problem too. And now we're looking at more trade agreements. Another part of the problem are the wars we instigated and participated in in the Middle East. To characterize those who are participating in OWS as low lifes, is not to understand the underlying issues and to be blind to what is going on around you.