That last sentence is nonsense, and marks an otherwise thoughtful article. In fact, the very forces this dildo is cheering are PART of the gigantic, oppressive oneness that the author goes on to argue against. Anyway, the interesting part isn't this fucking faggot and his views on AGW.. It's about a man named Leopold Kohr. Kohr argued that many different sorts of government might function well on a limited scale, and would all be fine so long as they were suffered by the locals who's lives they affected and provided that the locals interacted with and controlled them. However, once they were expanded beyond the reach of locals and local control, that they eventually became oppressive and too large. The particular system of Government didn't matter.. That the increase in size and reach made this outcome inevitable. I have to say, events playing out across the world today certainly seem to make his case.. From what I've seen, he seemed to favor micro-states. I don't know that I would go quite that far, but it seems obvious that a return to Constitutional First Principles and a devolving of power from Washington DC to the 50 States would put an end to much of what plagues us as a nation today.