Please tell me what you think about this - A critique of modern Capitalism.
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09-17-2011, 08:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Please tell me what you think about this - A critique of modern Capitalism.
This is a comment from the "Gentry Liberal" thread I posted earlier..
There probably is no way to reverse the process under capitalism. It's a one way street, and a classic catch 22. The snowball effect. Wealth rises like warm air, and those without it have increasingly less where they're increasingly unable to stake a claim.
I also suspect that were it not for globalisation, it would be far worse, since markets exterior to domestic ones act to release the pressure by leveling the playing field by engaging outside markets. We'll see the same extent of the problem all over the world eventually, since global impetus acts to work the same way. Capitalism is the pursuit of capital, in the form of profit. It's about accumulation not dispersal. It can be no other way. That's it's nature. That's how it works. Which is why we get recessions and depressions. The bubble bursts periodically, and the process begins anew. Even worse, the cycle of boom-slump gets worse every time, and at more frequent intervals.
I don't expect this post to be popular, and I hope I'm wrong, but it is my opinion. Thoughtful replies only please..
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