Clarifying my position on JEWS, ISRAEL ZIONISM
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09-02-2011, 08:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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Clarifying my position on JEWS, ISRAEL ZIONISM
First and foremost, NO, I am not Jewish in ay way shape or form
Second…I am by no means anti-Semitic. My first days in America, I was exposed to Jewish Americans, and Jewish tradition. I guarantee you I have a better command of Kosher law than half the Jews in America, and I went to Passover services as a guest every year as a child .
I do not believe Jews are “God’s chosen people”, nor do I believe they are going to hell.
I do not believe in a “Jewish conspiracy” to control the media. Jews control the media, because they ventured into media when no one else wanted to.
I do not believe in a Zionist conspiracy to dominate gentiles. If some gentiles find Jews smarter and more ambitious then themselves, go back to school and get off your ass
I believe Israel has a right to exist. I also believe in a two state solution to their conflict with Palestine, and that Israel should be held to the same standards as other countries in terms of international law
Neo Cons (Be they Dems like Lieberman or Repubs like cantor) are the scum of the earth, and the worst kind of bottom feeders. These are children and grandchildren of liberals and Trotskyites. These are people who bash Unions, who without unions, would still be selling apples on street corners
These are people who families along with African Americans, created the civil rights movement in America, who now piss on the graves of their parents with their racism
Likud is a terrorist organization, and Bibi Netanyahu is a terrorist
The ADL is a hate group, and the JDL is a hate group and a domestic terror group
That pretty much sums it up…questions ?
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