Interesting comment from elite, liberal author.
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09-03-2011, 07:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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Interesting comment from elite, liberal author.
He closes his book with this:
“Having a good number of people who didn’t care much about politics was just as vital to democratic government as having the voting booths filled …. Indifferent citizens leavened the system, gave it suppleness, just what the partisan personality lacked. Apathy gave politicians room to maneuver, compromise, make deals, smother grease on the gears of representative democracy …
Nothing could be more destructive than a society filled with knowledgeable, active and opinionated [citizens].”
He's trying to be eloquent here, but I think what really bothers him. all of them actually, is that people such as this would have little use for parasitic interests and political pitchmen.
Isn't it odd that this would be such a concern to the elites? The people who preach the merits of "education" day in and day out?
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