Congress Calls Tea Party Racists "Go To Hell" Video
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08-31-2011, 02:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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'This is WAR' Congressional Black Causes' Travels American Cities Using Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants To Lynch Blacks, Calls for Bank Runs, Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes.
These are elected officials, members of government, that are being paid by taxpayers to go out and spew vile venom and outright lies. They are trying to whip up a bunch of emotion in people based on complete bald faced lies. There is no racism in the Tea Party that has already been proven very false. I was at several and saw a bunch of fiscally concerned American patriots that love this country, unlike those on the left that think we need to change.
This video shocked me. It shows several politicians in the congressional black caucus speaking in public about every day Americans concerned for their children and grand children's futures.
This is the real sickness in our society, watch the
Video Here
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