Eustace Mullins, Aryan Warrior Till The End!!!
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08-28-2011, 06:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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Eustace Mullins, Aryan Warrior Till The End!!!
One of Mullins' works, The Biological Jew, is a literal treasure trove about the operations of the Jewish people over the centuries, including:
•"...the existence of the Jewish parasite upon the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and the life of the host. Thus, everything that the Jew does in connection with this parasitic existence is a criminal act, and part of an overall criminal existence."
"Treason, fraud, perversion, all the hallmarks of Jewish life among the gentiles in the Diaspora. And it is parasitism. All of these things are not merely crimes in themselves, they are crimes which are committed as essential parts of the Jew's parasitical relationship with the gentile host."
"The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an apostle of sexual perversion, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community."
...the Jews opened the gates of Babylon to the Persian invaders, ...the Jews brought Rome to its knees, ...the Jews subjected Egypt to a terrible dictatorship for three hundred years, until the Egyptians rose and drove them out"
On Government Control:
"This is why the Jew MUST control our communications; this is why he MUST control our education; this is why he MUST control our government; and most important, this is why he MUST control our religion. If he fails to do this, in any area, he endangers his continued existence as a biological parasite." [The Biological Jew, p 24]
On Manipulating Economies:
"This was the Jew, who made his appearance upon the stage of history as a magician, a fortuneteller, a petty thief, or, in the open country, a treacherous and cold-blooded bandit. He became a physician, a teacher, an acolyte in any kind of religious group. From earliest history, he practiced money-lending, and always at usurious rates of interest.
All of these Jewish vocations have one thing in common, the opportunity for fraud. The Jew always operated from a basis of fraud, and slipped easily from one vocation into another. A Jew practices medicine in one city, and, leaving behind a trail of corpses, turns up in another town as a soothsayer. After some widows are bilked of their life savings, he again takes to the road, assisted, as always, by the international Jewish community. In another town, he becomes a student priest, and soon he offers daring new interpretations of the religious beliefs, until his superiors find that he is stealthily transforming every tenet of their faith into some strange and barbaric dogma. He moves on, and turns up in another city as a highly trusted government official, respected by all, until, one evening, the gates of the city are opened to an invader, and the Jew becomes the Grand Vizier of the conquerors." [The Biological Jew, p27]
On The Collapse Of Empires:
"Since the parasite depends upon the host for its food, we would suppose that it would do everything within its power to aid the gentile community to become richer and more powerful. But, overriding every other consideration is the parasite's determination to keep its position upon the host. For five thousand years, history has recorded the efforts of gentile hosts to dislodge their Jewish parasites. Empires rise and fall, continents are discovered, wildernesses are explored and settled, and man makes progress through new inventions. Yet through it all, one factor remains constant. The gentile host, fearful of the damage which it is suffering from the presence of the Jewish parasite, tries to dislodge it. The parasite has prepared for such efforts, which it always foresees, by attaching itself so securely to the host that the host only damages itself in its wild struggles. In some cases, the gentile host destroys itself in these efforts. The Jewish host prefers seeing the gentile host destroyed instead of leaving peaceably from a still-living host. If the host dies, the parasite looks for another host. It has no feeling of any kind for the host which has provided it with food. This callous attitude is typical of the philosophy of .the Jew, and it is exemplified by the current phrase so popular in Jewish Hollywood, 'Who needs it?'" [The Biological Jew, p29]
On Jews Bankrupting Other Communities:
"The gentile worker has spent his life in providing sustenance for the Jewish parasite, enabling the parasite to live in luxury while the gentile worker labors long hours each day in order to survive on a mere subsistence level. The earnings of the gentile worker vanish before his eyes into the Jewish monetary system, as calculated and abstruse monetary laws go into effect. Meanwhile, the Jewish educational system instructs the gentile worker's children that they can look forward to the privilege of laboring all of their life to support the Chosen People of God, who live in the style to which they have become accustomed.
The Jewish monetary system is a series of variations on the shell game at the county fair. The gentile is certain that the pea is under the shell on the left, but when he bets on it, the shell on the left has nothing under it. The gentile puts his money down on other Jewish peas, but whatever he buys suddenly depreciates. The bonds which he purchases drop in value, and he sells at a loss, in order to avoid losing everything he has." [The Biological Jew, p30]
On Progressives:
"...the Jew knows that his first task, upon arriving in a gentile community, is to subvert and take over its government, and to paralyse the people with subtle injections of poison, so that they become helpless and unable to defend themselves. Thus, the Jew begins agitation to set up a 'progressive' government, also known as a 'popular front', a 'democratic' government, a 'people's' government, a 'liberal' government, and all of these are synonyms for the Jewish government, which will protect the presence of the parasite and guard it against the anger of the exploited gentiles." [The Biological Jew, p28]
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