fighting for stopping total communization of America
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08-21-2011, 08:12 PM
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Oct 2005
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fighting for stopping total communization of America
It's that nigger in the whitehouse with his fried chicken and watermelon and grape soda who's bent on the total communization of our once great country. Barry Sotero wiped his butt on his dang fake birth certificate and then he wiped his butt on the constitution. The constituti9on forbids communism. It's our heritage, iti's for capitalism and gun rights. I know that's right. He tried to communize our grate health care system. If all the liberals got health care, they'd get even more uppity and we'd just get more illegals. The illegals mucked up our economy, not greedy bankers and not Bush when he started them wars. Muslims ain't Christian and so they're evil. I don't lose no dang sleep if they get killed, I tell ya what.
All our problems are cause of the commies and the A rabs and the liberals and the Muslims and the illegals who come here and pick fruit and make beds. And it's all cause Barry Sotero's in the whitehouse drinking his malt liquor. I'm a gonna go there with a protest sign to get that jungle bunny outa there. We'd be much better with Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin cause their pretty ladies who I'd like to fuck.
This is what we get for letting them uppity niggers come up from the back of the bus and drink at our drinking fountains and marry our white women. Now one of them is president and he and them other savages dance to rap music and eat fried chicken where Washington once lived!
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