Out of all the libs blabbering stupidity, only Salon's Joan Walsh "Gets it"
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08-07-2011, 06:26 AM
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Out of all the libs blabbering stupidity, only Salon's Joan Walsh "Gets it"
This is a truly great article, and I didn't even read it.. the opener says it all:
The real confidence crisis
Obama and the Democrats have to face that they're the party of government, and make government work She's exactly right.. She's got the kind of common sense that our President, all of his hordes of advisers, and the rest of the liberal media (a substantial number) are lacking.
She knows that selling policies is like selling a car.. and what Obama and his pals are peddling is a clunker.
Government is broken. Government is broke. Government doesn't work.. It's a fucking mess.. All of their institutions are collapsing, and to sell more of the same as a remedy is foolish.
If you want to sell big government, you're going to have to make sure people want to buy it.
They haven't done that.. And so, there's a crisis of confidence in them and their solutions.
It's not Bush's fault.. It's their own.. They are reduced to peddling austerity.
Fix government, reform your institutions (If you can) and perhaps THEN people will be willing to listen to you?
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