The libs are running this as an article over here: Please vote for each "crazy" Buchanan statement that you agree with Pat on. The (allegedly) "crazy" statements: 1. Obama has benefited from being African-American. Not crazy 2. White People built America Not crazy 3. White people are to the Supreme Court as black people are to Olympic track races Not crazy 4. Pedophiles are all gay Not sure if this is crazy or not 5. The minorities are "invading" Not crazy 6. Hitler was a genius and the Holocaust is exaggerated Pretty Crazy 7. AIDS is God's punishment for being gay Not crazy 8. Women are not discriminated against and housework is liberating Not crazy, but it's more an understanding of the fact that each sex has it's role to play in the game of life. 9. Segregation kept politics from being too polarizing Pretty crazy, imho 10. Immigrants are killing "us" Not crazy