!/groups/175721849160699My plan to get rid of the deficit 1. Legalize mushrooms, marijuana, absinthe. Lower drinking age to 19 . -TAX (CONSTITUTIONAL FREE MARKET) 2. Dispose of blackwater. Destroy the patriot act and get rid of all the psuedo-police state shit. Who knows how much money goes into secret government shit! 3. Close the borders, no american is allowed to leave the country, foreigners are allowed to freely visit on government approved, LOOSELY monitered trips. (Check in the country, moniter whereabouts, check out.) 4. Default & possibly have a revolution. (We has citizens have rights.....) Do you agree with my plan? Also I created a facebook page related to this very thing... (THE POLTERGIEST'S FACEBOOK GROUP THAT HE ADMINISTRATES! (YOU ALL SHOULD JOIN)