Hitler is not my hero, however, I give credit where credit is due. National Socialism brought them out of the depression....Geezus Why don't you your own homework instead of relying on what you were taught in school? You know...those indoctrunation centers? They spit out people like Simple Saara and the rest of the liberals you love so much. What they rammed down your throat is a "revised" version of history. Do you believe EVERYTHING that you're told or do you cherry pick what you want to believe? Do you believe that we actually live in a democracy now? Do we have any say in who even runs for office? Nearly 80% of people polled want that GD border heavily guarded, yet under both parties it's left open and virtually unguarded. If not National Socialism, what would like to see done in order for this country to be put back in the hands of it's people?