Michele Bachmann for president
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07-14-2011, 10:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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It's pretty sad that I, as a communist, have to depend on the religious right to get any semblance of moral decency out of this retarded country... but the tea party does more good for my side then the so called left of this country ever did... so why not? Have the democrats lifted a finger to end our occupation around the world? Or actually come down hard on big insurance, big pharmacy, and big oil? No, no they fucking haven't... so if at the very least, Michele Bachmann can do something about the porn industry, that's a step in the right direction. Because porn is the petite bourgeois. It's more consenting then a lot of marketplaces, at anytime we could just NOT BUY PORN, but the fact is... people do, and the cultural perpetuates sex so that we do. All the capitalists are fucking in on it, and you suckers fall for it everytime.
It should anger you that a woman can spread her legs, and make three times as much as it. You all go on and on about how black people are eating up the tax revenue with welfare money, and having kids out of wedlock, but meanwhile... some lazy whore gets to make much more money, getting a cream pie up her ass, while you actually have to go break your back doing hard labor, or slowly kill yourself in a cubicle as your spirit is crushed, your dreams stomped on... if that doesn't get you mad, what will? And why are you blaming the here and there welfare queens, when obviously lots of women make good money on selling their bodies? Be they porn stars, strippers, or hookers. They all make more money then you for doing less then half the work. And you have the fucking nerve to talk about welfare? Are you THAT retarded???
I don't like sex much as it is... sex is a distraction. I'm sure a couple of you have read Huxley's A Brave New World. Why aren't you making the connection that all your gay little gadgets, fatty food, and constant sex stimulation is there to keep you docile? That by appealing to your most primitive instincts, you're giving away your most precious asset? You are a creature of God, or so you claim... most of you right-wingers, even you more secular ones, claim to be Christians, and yet you simply piss away the hands and minds God gave you, to create, conquer, and discover. And silently remain still, just doing your daily tasks, assigned to you by your employers, living a terrible life of debt, bills, unappreciation, and eventual poverty... while they fucking laugh at you. Them, and their stupid ass whores who make more money then you. Trust me... you suck their dick twice as hard as those fucking harlots, your dick sucking actually contributes to their power structure, but if you were aware of it, you'd probably stop doing it. That's the only difference between you and a whore. You're just stupid.
The greatest thing that could happen is if we, as a species, completely lost our sex drive, that way we could no longer be exploited. Neither as individuals, nor as a collective. No gold diggers, no drama, no emotional baggage, no sleezy crackwhores making more money then you, nothing of the sort. And I'm sure many of you will fight it tooth and nail, because you despise progress. You prefer the dreadful despair repetition brings, because you're sick in the head... Whatever happened to the belief in manifest destiny? I'm not a Bible buff, but I know there's a verse that says you cannot serve two masters. Man cannot serve God and mammon. [Greed] So which do you serve? Do you serve the will of God, and aspire for greater things? Or do you serve lechers, slavers, and con-men who are making fools of you, and giving whores many times more then you make for much more important work???
How little do you think of yourself where you can let this travesty continue without so much as even TRYING to do something about it?
But don't get me wrong... I'm well aware of the fact the tea party is not my friend. They're just a bunch of scared hillbillies and borderline fascists. Clinging to nationalism. They want to throw out the Mexicans so good ole' Americans can work eighteen hours a day, picking strawberries and scrubbing floors for two dollars an hour. They want to bring back child labor, segregation, and "states rights", so we can see draconian laws the likes of which we haven't seen since the 1800s, and it'll become common to see a black man hanging from a tree. And much like the "free market" of internet forums, they'll tell us to just get out and move if we don't like it. Because picking up and moving is SO EASY when you barely make enough to pay for groceries... I know full well what's ahead of me.
That's how bad things are. When that is better then what lies ahead of the democrats ever got their wish. At least that shit screws everybody over. God willing fags and Jews, who actually have it coming. Doubtful though... as you Christian scum just want to "help" the gays, and put on your kiddy gloves for them, and you're all brainwashed Judeo-Christian morons who forgot who killed your savior, sends your family members out to die in pointless wars, and controls every major business model in your country.
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