race mixing -- what the fuck is the prob?
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07-11-2011, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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I will give you a real life example.
My wife went to HS with a girl named Kylee. Kylee was your typical light blonde haired blue eyed softball playing hot as hell american girl. had a steady BF, no extra piercings or tatts or anything. didnt drink other than w wine cooler here and there, didnt smoke, no drugs.
kyless and her bf decide to go to UCF together and get an apartment together. Kylees parents pay for it all. Kylee decides to get a job at Universal Studios anyway, to help pay for everything cause she felt guilty for her parents doing it all.
Kylee starts working with spics, niggers and faggots..and fag niggers (figgers?, naggots?). So what happens....Kylee begins to change. she gets one tatt...then another....then another....and ANOTHER...soon her whole back and lower legs are covered in tatts, so much that she has to wear long pants in the florida heat to work because they cannot show at her job.
Kylee dyes her hair dark dark dark brown, kylee starts hanging with sheboons and their babdy daddys. Kylee dumps her BF and transfers to Valencia, which has a WAY higher nigger student percentage. she moves into a nigger inhabited part of orlando to be closer to her nigger friends. her FB is now full of wall posts of her and her new nigger friends chimping out and shit.
Get the picture?
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