You ever think to yourself: It's such a crying shame that nobody in politics has a sense of humor? Because Walker could easily manipulate this entire event, if he were willing to. Imagine the following scenarios.. 1) Walker capitulates, and hands the unions a deal that requires a much smaller contribution to their benefits (Let's call it 9 percent) and leaves collective bargaining in place. Then when they return to the state, immediately renege, laugh in their misshapen little faces and call a vote on the original bill. Which will pass easily. For added effect, shake your ass at them as they leave the chamber defeated. Scenario 2) For REAL comedic effect, try to get them fighting one another. I mean, right now it's easy for them to run their mouths. After all, they're boozing it up at a Best Western and basically on vacation. It would be interesting to put a fire under them. Put a price tag on their little outing and make them pay it, personally. Tell them if they're not back by tomorrow.. You're scrapping the current bill in favor of a measure that will jack their contribution rate to a figure equal to the public sector. Collective bargaining on salary will be stripped too. (The only bargaining they are permitted under the current measure)