Detroit Mayor has a brainstorm!! (beg for more fed money)
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02-09-2011, 04:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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The eco-hippies are already planning on turning it back into rural
Renn says the sheer size of Detroit — a largely vacant urban prairie bigger than Manhattan, Boston and San Francisco combined — makes it a prime test case for the “shrinking cities” movement. And so an American Institute of Architects study imagines Detroit reduced into a metro core surrounded by
green belts, “urban villages”
and banked land.
Yes, a retired truck driver reportedly shoots raccoons and sells them as food, at $12 per carcass to feed a family of four
$12 per coon carcass sounds a bit expensive.
There’s not much chance a strong city government could really turn the place around, but it could stop the grass roots revival in its tracks.
I seriously doubt anything would change that shit-hole around. The liberal progressives have already turned it into a full blown 3rd world Hell.
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