A face to face meeting with a liberal
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12-10-2010, 05:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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A face to face meeting with a liberal
I have met only a few die hard liberals in person, over the years. I didn't like any of them. All had what I can only describe as 'deep character flaws'. I considered most of them to be insane.
I've seen several on tv. I've read lots of writings by libs. None of them have managed to show a single redeeming quality. All seemed to be perfect candidates, for some form of painful execution.
My father was recently very ill, which had me spending almost all my free time in the hospital with him.
I had another opportunity to meet yet another liberal who was also visiting a family member. For 26 hours straight, and then for 10-12 hours at a time on other days last week, we had nothing to do, but sit and talk about politics.
Now, this guy was late 20's, with a sideways ball cap on, and baggy clothes, and at first glance I dismissed him as a whigger. He struck up a conversation, and told me he was from New Jersey. (Strike 2 for him already huh)
I had a camouflage jacket on, and he asked if I hunted. I told him yes. The topic of gun control came up quickly. I'm a firm believer in ALL people owning guns. He wants all guns gone, except for police and military.
Now, we all know liberals despise guns, and for some reason, they think that guns kill people (much like ink pens misspell words when writing). I had to ask him 'WHY'.
His response amazed me, in that it made sense. You never expect sense from a liberal.
He said, " I live in an apartment, with groups of people living 12 foot away, on every side of me, separated by a couple thin pieces of sheetrock. I hear them argue and fight and scream at each other daily. I don't want to get shot, because some guy and his wife are mad at each other."
I thought about that, and I could see his point. I wouldn't want to get shot either. Of course, i wouldn't live in a fucking apartment. But, HE does. That's his 'home'.
This brings me to my point, as i have pointed out before in other posts.
My world that I live in, is not the same as the one others live in. This was best described to me by Kinjothefuckstick from AWE. Who once explained how Rural poor people, have it better than inner city poor people, because as he said " ALL RURAL people grow their own food, and have lots of meat from hunting, to supplement their income". Kinjo, had no clue how different the various states are.
After talking to the NJ guy for a few days, he wasn't a what I would call a 'bad' guy. He just had no concept of how the world was, out side of his little area. He wanted to blanket apply rules that he feels he needs in HIS world, to all of our worlds.
This, imo is the single biggest problem the US faces today. None of the 'change the world' types, can understand that their world isn't mine, and their rules and problems aren't shared by all of us.
Anyway, sorta an interesting little story (to me at least), if you don't find it interesting, then it really just proved my point.
Cheers all.
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