Essays - voting.
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11-02-2010, 12:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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The problem is not political, or topic subjective but one of objective consciousness regarding one’s personal beliefs regarding existence in a modern society. I firmly believe a close examination of one’s own moral and philosophical ideals shapes personal decisions AND morals, and guides personal patterns throughout life.
For example, Sophocles regarded morality as essentially a matter of feelings and attitudes displayed toward fellow humans. Moral judgments are derived from reason, because they can be true or false like the laws of mathematics. But if moral judgments are derived from the feelings, they do not remain constant - they will be as variable as the moods and sentiments of the individuals who make them.
Where does that leave me?? As an atheist and follower of romanticism of the “Enlightenment” ( the European version not Van Morison musical version) I firmly believe in atheistic and materialist philosophies denying the existence of God and the soul.
Rejecting Christian morality has not been taken lightly, because embracing contemporary personal ideals shape human behaviour. I also base my decision on the twisted ethical code of Christianity, which I argue causes destructive self-repression.
However, I can also understand why God and religion are useful tools by sections of society in keeping the population in line. The Vatican, politicians, or anyone who can use religion as a repressive tool will do so as a point of self-survival and furtherance of their own existence. I feel that is the malaise of today.
Rightly or wrongly, I admire the outlook of philosopher David Hume who placed the greater emphasis on feelings rather than reason as the basis for moral beliefs, instead of his detractors who relied on metaphysical assumptions. Hume separated logic, (which deals with human conscience), and ethics, (which deals with a human as a social being). He argued that logic is based on fact and ethics based on human emotion, and that one cannot deduce moral principles solely by considering the facts.
Does that give a new meaning to modern rationalism and theology that dominated ethical debates for centuries??
How does this affect the present?? Does the individual have any coherent rapport with the State?? Or has morality dropped into a cesspool affecting all sections of society.
It is not for me to judge existence or decisions of others, it’s up to others to explore their own reasoning for their existence – especially politicians – because it affects all society by radiating downwards. Perhaps governmental individuals should have serious introspective reasoning for their existence instead of rhetoric for survival.
Then truly a human being can understand and minimize the "problem".
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