The Tea Party is not a Libertarian movement.
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11-04-2010, 02:08 AM
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Oct 2005
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The Tea Party is not a Libertarian movement.
It is a Republican movement. What I have found is that Moderate Conservatives and Democrats alike have a small portion of whom believe in Libertarian policies. I'm sorry, but as a Libertarian Independent, I don't feel like either movement speaks to my Libertarian values. Neither promises to end prohibition, neither wants to privatize government organizations, or stop recognizing all marriages. Neither wants to get us out of useless overseas endeavors, or pay off the debt.
Except for a Small Portion of them
Rand Paul for instance. I am very pleased that he won, we need more guys like this, I will vote for an R, if he believes in Libertarianism to any extent.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)
The thing I love about Libertarianism you pretty much have to be all or none. It is a philosophy that effects all things. For instance Libertarians all believe in the end of the drug war, not because they want to do drugs, but they believe in a hands off Government. As Ron Paul said "The Government shouldn't be able to tell us what we can, and cannot, put in our mouths!" Libertarianism is a simple value that can be applied to any and all subjects, and resolve them.
Alas, this leads me to believe that Republicans and Libertarians are about as far apart as they can be. This is what makes Conservatism so beautiful, because it somehow links the two philosophies with somewhat of a logical fallacy that goes as follows: Republicans are Authoritarians, the Opposite of Libertarian. Even though they both believe in less Government spending, Republicans and Conservatives couldn't disagree more on the rest of the governmental policies, such as Individual rights. Republicans have been Christian leaning for the last few decades, they believe in enforcing the values of Christianity in law. Libertarians believe that not only do you not enforce any morals, you don't enforce much of anything, we are free to choose what we want to do, as long as we are not infringing on anyone else's right to do the same. Republicans are in favor of the Patriot act, need I say more?
Both Regimes are by nature Authoritarian, Libertarian is therefore the opposite of both parties. Don't get me wrong, if an Libertarian gets through as a Republican, or a Democrat, I'm all for it. I'm all for Rand Paul, and I will be all for Ron Paul in 2012. Ron Paul has the right idea on everything, I'm so tired of people trying to paint him as a whacko, he is just the whacko we need!
I've got my hopes pinned on Ron Paul come 2012!
If Ron Paul wins the Republican Nomination, then I'm going to be voting Republican. That's all there is to it, but see, there is a catch. No party is ever going to do that. The Republican party humors Paul but they never give him a fair chance, not even close to equal time. Paul gets a few questions at most, and they focus on the top 2 idiot politicians. Paul is sitting there in the corner with all the right answers to everything! Yet he has to be quiet as idiots like Mitt
spew their partisan redirect crap!
How long will the traditional Republicans, joining the Dems, be able to raze our economy, until we the people decide to start putting someone with common sense in charge?
Marco Rubio is a Conservative in the same way that George Bush was. He is not a Conservative like Rand Paul is. Although Prop 19 lost, and Crist lost, I am happy for the Libertarian candidates that made it through on the Republican ballet. Jessie pointed this out to me, and I failed to acknowledge it, I should. It gives me hope that maybe one day Ron Paul will be our President.
So while I am overjoyed in the increase of Libertarianism, I don't believe that the Tea Party necessarily equals Libertarianism. I believe the Tea Party share the belief of Fiscal Conservatism with Libertarians, but nothing more.
So while it is a step, the Tea Party is not a bad thing, it's still not my movement.
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