I'm gonna go vote.
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11-03-2010, 01:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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For Charlie Crist. Try and stop me!
Well I knew you were a tool, so go a-fucking head.
The thing about elections is people just assume getting what they want=getting what they need. We don't know for certain if what we see on the package is what we get. Hell, even
don't know! And I'm much more intelligent and enlightened on these subjects then you are!
Basically we're gambling the future of our state and our country on electees and state specific laws. We do not know the ramifications, which is probably why a represenative democracy plus state elctorial democracy isn't good. We should either turn into a complete republic and have a monarchist system, or a complete democracy and have a confederate socialist system. Personally I'd prefer the former. Seeing as I typically do not trust the average voter to make the right decision, and I'd rather if we fuckup. It'd be our leaders fault, it be the fault of the economists and the party, rather then a bunch of goofs who can't even decide what to get at taco bell...
To be fair, a pure democracy would be more communistic then a represented democracy or a feudal oligarchy. But most communists do not stress the importance of equal vote and legalty, only equal oppurtunity and equal ownership. Another words, as long as they have healthcare, jobs, transportation, energy, and other utilities/nesscesities. What the fuck do they care?
Trust me, I have more to gain from Charlie Crist then you do. He might be my moral opposite... but his attention whore bullshit could cost you progressive voters far more then it could me. Abortion is already legal, and fags are free to do as they please. I have nothing to lose.
As far as theocracy goes. I'm actually non-religious. I know people just assume my anti-gay, anti-abortion position automatically makes me a big Christfag. But as you can see, most religious people are taken in by the libertarian lie. How is that benneficary to them and their ideals? It isn't. But they're stupid. That's why they're religious in the firstplace.
A theocracy wouldn't be half bad though. If we're to have religion, we should have one unifying religion and destroy "diversity" so that we unite as a country against heretical scum. We can argue denomonations and paths, but ultimately we should be one party, one religion, and one state. The Imperium of Man is my playbook for the future.
Seems I'm better at this national socialist thing then you white supramacist wannabes are.
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