God damn Rachel Maddow is disgusting.
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10-26-2010, 03:17 PM
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Oct 2005
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Good lord man, do you really expect me to read the whole thing?
I disagree with you on Abortion. Infanticide is not an accurate term as Fetuses are not Infants. Fetuscide would be a more accurate word, although I just made it up, like the rest of you made up Infanticide. A baby is considered an infant between birth and 1 year of age.
So when women are marrying 1 day to 1 year old babies, then you can call it infanticide, until then no.
I'm sorry if this offends someone's sensibilities, but I see the Fetus as more of an organ of the Mother, reliant on her for function and continued life.
I don't think they should be thought of as people until they can sustain their lives, on their own, for any amount of time at all, as born babies do.
Does anyone here remember when you were a Fetus? I certainly don't, and while I don't believe in killing life, we do it to animals all the time. Sometimes killing surplus subhuman matter is practical.
To me this is a catch 22 to republicans, is that they complain all night long about people on welfare, yet they say that if you are on welfare, and you get pregnant, you must have another child, another person on welfare. The obvious point that a Republican would make, is don't get pregnant, but if someone is on welfare in the first place generally, they are too stupid to not get pregnant.
So if someone is anti abortion, and anti welfare, which many are, then you actually support adding more people to the welfare dole, when the alternative is abortion happening.
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