Someone kidnap this bitch and turn her into a Korean sex slave. Because she is useless as an anchor woman. You know, I watch msnbc under the assumption maybe I'll get lucky and see a leftwing person who isn't a complete joke. But nope, not in this country... One thing is being a liberal leftist. Another thing is basing an entire hour of your show around a lie. Wahwah, George Tiller was killed by Scott Roeder! Good... The man was a scumbag. I hope more abortion doctors die. You can't even argue "maybe abortion is moral but it's legal". No, George Tiller didn't give a fuck about the law and was doing late term abortions anyway. Or the proper term... infanticide. And everyone knows I'm not touchy feely conservative. I don't give a fuck about babies. But it's just so sickening to keep pretending this issue has anything to do with freedom of choice. Really? Is that why smoking has so many regulations? It's that why you can get a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot? Because we just care so deeply about freedom that we're willing to take the moral reprocussions??? No, you are a nigger. The elite thinks of you as an expendable nigger, and your baby is the biggest nigger of them all. That is the truth. The truth is, prior to Roe vs Wade, abortion was still legal in all states, just much more reasonable restricted down to rape and life endangerment mostly. What a quincidence... this is the exucse the "left" uses, yet if this were true, why would they bother??? It gets better... Margat Sanger? Total white supramacist. Probably sucked a few klansmembers dicks, and went on record for saying she wanted to get rid of the "undesirables". The only difference between the liberal left and the real left, is the real left has enough balls to admit you ain't got a fucking choice. The liberal left thinks they can persuade you to kill your baby, to drive down your spics and gooks and promote the white ayran race. They're your friend, they're just here to help you... It's so pretencious and revolting. That's reason enough to bomb their fucking butcheries. But no, there's still more! Roe vs Wade was based off a lie!!! The constitution does not say anything about right to privacy. If it did, Facebook would be public enemy number one. It says you have a right not to be searched without a warrant, but that's obviously different. Or the fact that Jane Roe is now prolife. She sound find Christ, blahblahblah, (frankly it's going to take alot more then finding Christ. This bitch should be louder and stop hiding behind God like all the rest of the Christian right cowards. Bomb the churches too if you ask me...) But no, this is not the worst part. Despite all this evidence of foul play, all this deception, lies, and nefarious intent... No, there is something that tops all of it!!! Jane Roe admitted that her rape case, was a lie. This is VERY significant, because she was pushed by "prochoice" groups to lie to the supreme court, and say she had been raped. Boohoohoo, and it worked. But the fact that she wasn't, should THROW OUT Roe vs Wade right then and there. (You know... if it weren't for the fact that you didn't throw it out already because there's no right to privacy) But all this, and the pro-abortion crowd just doesn't care. They either choose to ignore the truth, or disregard the truth. For them, abortion is a convience they aren't to giveup. And Rachel Maddow could've proven you can be leftwing, without being a fucking tool, and she didn't. Perfect reason she shouldn't have choice in anything... But you know, I blame the left. The real left like myself for not defending the actions of people like Scott Roeder. I blame the real left for not coming out because we fear too much we won't get our revolution if we don't cater to subhuman trash on the liberal left. But if you ask me, there isn't a revolution worth having if that's whom you have to share it with. Too many on the left these days are nothing more then armchair liberals who need to be strungup on the rope even higher then the capitalists. Preventing a revolution, and spreading the message to the uneducated workers. Because they are small, petty bourgoise. Who cling to their false freedoms of abortion and promiscuiety. When did the left start compromising to a bunch of fags and cunts? This isn't Vladmir Lenin, Chariman Mao, this isn't even FDR or Harry Truman! If anything's a fucking abortion, it's the western concept of the left. A frankenstien abortion that's hobbling around, growling, destroying everything in it's path that would be remotely good! The longer people favor abortion, the longer it will take to get those daycare centers, those maternity leaves, wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said it takes a village to raise a child? She didn't invent the phrase, but claimed she fealt that way. Would the same village abort said child? Actually that'd be the pure communist thing to do. But don't tell the kids at RevLeft that. They might cry... that since noone "OWNS", noone can go around making decisions like it has no consequinces. A woman doesn't "own" her body, she doesn't own shit. Therefore it is "the village" that decides the life and death of a child. I admit it's not exactly what I'd want, but you know what? Atleast it's the truth. That's where communism, and you need to know that shit so you can decide if communism is right for you. Thats the message I try to spread, and thats why even us communists don't get a-fucking long! (They could still refrain from banning me... but what do you want me to say? They're arrogant dicks...) You can say I'm alot of things. Homphobic, misogynist, maybe even a sociopath... I'd take it as a compliment. But one thing I'm not is a liar, and those things I said above, you can go do your own research if you don't believe me. Lord knows you wouldn't listen to the links I showed you anyway. I know how stubborn the average person is. So do it at your own retarded pace, and figure it out. In all honesty, is the left, the fake left anyway, was interested in "reducing abortions" rather then "illegalizing abortions". Then reduce them the same way you reduce carbon footprint, price gouging, corruption, embezzlement, and all the other shit you don't like. You seem to have no problem waving that tax, regulation, and keysian pen at everything else. Why abortion? You afraid of losing the woman vote? You afraid of pissing off your eugenicist overlords? What the fuck's up? Thats the kind of questions we need to ask. And start asking with bullets if need be. That's going to be my exact position if I decide to run for any form of office in 2012. I'm going to be an open communist, and remind people what the real left looks like. We don't take no shit. Frankly I think republicans, Christians, and all the rest are in on it. I think Jesse Jackson, (the forum member, not the pastor... though maybe the pastor too) is every bit as prochoice as Obamamerican or the other prochoice trolls at AWE. I think, like the fake left. He thinks I'm an idiot, and thinks I give a shit about his sob story, or that I'm going to fall for his alligator tears of agreeing with me whilest doing nothing about the problem. I don't got the kind of time to lie like that. Unlike the religious ghouls of this country... homosexuality, femenism, and abortions actually bother me! This rant will make sense to those who watched the rachel maddow show tonight. And how I wish I'd get a call from a major news network to show them a real leftwing slant... Or at the very least could blow the fucking head's off some moderators and get a documentry about how I'm the victim. Where the fuck is my freedom of choice?! A woman fucks like a whore, and gets to kill a baby. I get permanently censored and degraded simply for having a hostile opinion, and I don't give squat. That's going to change.