People who are Unemployed, Lower your Standards!
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10-25-2010, 05:33 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
HAHAHAHHAHA... their cries are music to my ears.
I LOVE to hear empty headed 20 somethings scream about their college debt and the employment situation.
What the fuck DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN? You take on a couple of HUNDRED GRAND in debt and think you're OWED a job for your effort? Just because you went to college?
I actually heard one young negress suggesting that the government should FORCE people to retire at a certain age so her generation could have their job!
This generation is arrogant to a fault..
When I was growing up, I remember the Assistant Manager position at McDonalds requiring a degree.
That's right! That's how hard it was..
You little fuckers don't have anything but a credential at this point.. and no experience doing anything useful.
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