A "moderate" is a person who is too stupid to determine right from wrong.
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10-26-2010, 12:08 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I disagree, a moderate is someone who sees both ways of thinking and chooses to subscribe to neither. A Moderate understands both sides have merit, and both good and evil people. A Moderate looks at the whole scenario, instead of just arguing "My Sides Right!" into eternity.
Just because someone is Moderate, does not mean they support the government interfering in their lives. I recognize as a Moderate, Independent who leans Libertarian, that neither party stands for Less Government interference. Both the Left and the Right will interfere in your life for their own ends.
We are the future, soon enough the rest of the Country is going to figure out that The Democrat, and Republican Parties are just as corrupt as the Government itself.
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