My Father believes that these wars were unjust in the first place, somehow my Father tends to be to the left of me. My Grandfather is a Conservative, self made from nothing to become a wealthy man, and even though he voted for Bush twice, he now says that "Iraq was a mistake, what is happening to those kids over there is unforgivable." It's not that I am somehow afraid of these people, I know I live in a country with superior everything to them, partially due to the help of me and my family for helping to build this Country. I simply don't see why we need to be over there. We can't get Bin Laden, because we won't venture into the hills of Pakistan, if we aren't going to get him, why don't we just go home? These wars register, to me, as the biggest form of wasteful Government spending. We are shelling cash out the ying yang in order to rebuild these Cities that we blew up! Frankly, with our Debt soaring, I think we are due to save that money! I am not against war as a necessary reaction, and I agree we did need to go into Afghanistan in order to kill Bin Laden. At this point though, we are digging ourselves a hole we are never going to get out of. If anything, lets spend that money that we are spending to build terrorists new cottages, on our own national defenses here at home, so that if there is another terrorist attack we will be ready. It is not a situation of fight them over there, or over here, whether or not we are over there, they are going to try to attack us here, all that us being in their Country does for them is fuels their hatred, and recruiting.