Thread: Nationalization
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Old 09-29-2010, 06:12 AM   #18

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To the Leadership of the Third Reich, it wasn't really necessary for the government to actually own the means of production. They were perfectly happy to let the owners keep their names on the title deeds and also to be responsible for the welfare of their employees. Meaning signing their paychecks and making agreements with the Reichsarbeitsfront about working conditions and pay rates. You can't have everybody in a country getting a government paycheck. It was understood, however, that the owners had the responsibility to use their factories in a way that was conducive to the economic well being of the Volk and Vaterland. If they betrayed their trust, then the government could step in and force a sale to someone who had a better understanding of the fiscal realities of life in an area free of judeoeconomics.

They were wiser than I would have been. I would have nationalized everything, and we've seen how well that worked in post war eastern europe. That's one of the good things about National Socialism. The men best suited to the position rise to the top.
Most of Hitler's posse were thugs and gangsters with little to no education. They came up from the streets.. rapists, petty theives, bouncers, leg breakers.. a few homosexuals.. Not much in terms of talent or brains or education.
derisgun is offline


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