Morally defeated congress turns off the lights; calls it quits.
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09-28-2010, 01:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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Morally defeated congress turns off the lights; calls it quits.
Good. The best thing this congress can do is absolutely nuthin'. The next congress should investigate every second of the current one and build a gallos on the front lawn. It'll get a lot of use.,2933,601535,00.html
Congress Motions Toward Early Departure -- Expected Exodus by Week's End
Monday, September 27, 2010
Judson Berger
WASHINGTON — After a two-year session marked by epic fights over government spending and health care regulation, Congress is spending its final days doing the legislative equivalent of watching movies before school lets out for summer.
On the House side, lawmakers took a day off Monday and are poised to punt a crucial vote on tax increases until after the election.
On the Senate side, Democratic leaders scheduled a debate Monday night on an anti-outsourcing bill that is expected to fail and already have ruled out voting on the tax cuts.
The only thing Congress has to do before adjourning is pass a bill to keep the federal government running since lawmakers failed to pass any of next year’s budgets. Then it’s lights out.
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