The "Barbara Boxer is a dumb *****" thread
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12-10-2009, 01:26 AM
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Oct 2005
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Mickey Kaus to challenge Boxer!
Pioneering political blogger Mickey Kaus took out papers to run for U.S. Senate in California, he told LA Weekly. The Venice resident said he'll run this year against Barbara Boxer for her seat. He said he took out papers at the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters.
The Democrat has been centrist and even conservative on some of the issues on which Boxer has taken a more left-leaning stand, including immigration: He does not favor amnesty and favors a more restrictive national policy.
The journalist's Wiki entry says he's also "skeptical of affirmative action, labor unions (particularly automotive workers' unions and teachers' unions), and gerrymandering of congressional districts."
It's not clear where he'll get the money to run against such a well-oiled machine as Boxer's. But one blogger called Boxer's poll numbers "less than intimidating."
And in his Kausfiles blog, Kaus has quite the widely-read bully pulpit, with an estimated readership of as many as 30,000 people daily.
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