Sex abuse scandal. Guess the religion?
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03-14-2010, 03:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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Your church has molested and raped many children around the world. Oddly, I see no mention of the sex of the victims? Could this be that once again gay people are responsible? Why is it everytime this comes up, it's always boys and not girls?
Asher, the molester is responsible, not the Church.
They covered it up. And now when people bring light to the situation you accuse them of fixating on your church and taking cheap shots. Get a clue. They are now dealing with it. I accuse you of fixating about the Catholic church, because I never see you reporting sexual abuse which happens elsewhere. And always, it's the same thing, over and over again, an attack on clerical celibacy.
Don't you believe in individual responsibility, that people can control their sexual urges?
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