Everything about me is consistent. I value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - regardless of context (given specific considerations) and in that order. Pro-life: Anti-abortion, anti-capital punishment and ecocentric vegan. Pro-liberty: Equal rights for everyone and foreign intervention. Pro-pursuit of happiness: I'm totally happy. ps. I was not in Vietnam. I was a paratrooper from 90-94; I joined after the war started and it was over before I finished training, with almost the shortest training contract possible - just infantry and airborne. So after a few years of fun but mundane peacetime, I took my GI Bill/College Fund and went back to college (I'd left an elite, private institution to join the war and returned to community college due to disillusionment with the elite of the ivory tower). I've known where I stand politically, intellectually, philosophically and spiritually for 20 years and I'm entirely consistent.