We save more lives than we take. The evidence, from the last three decades: 80's: Saddam wages horrible war against Iran that includes the use of chemical weapons. Late 80s, Saddam kills ~200,000 Kurds in chemical genocide against towns of 10,000 people at a time. Early 90s, Saddam invades a neighboring country and releases oil intentionally destroying all of the newly discovered deep-water coral reef in the Persian Gulf. Mid 90s, Saddam drains the land of the Marsh Arabs, committing genocide to the tune of 50,000 people. Late 90s, Saddam diverts 'oil for food' products to sale for cash in neighboring countries resulting in the malnutrition deaths of 400,000 children in his own country. This speaks nothing of the state-sanctioned murder of opposition and the state-sanctioned rape of countless girls by Saddam's men. Or of the other atrocities of State Islam (FGM, honor killings, capital punishment for gays and discrimination against women that is no longer legal). Civilian deaths in the US-Iraq war: ~400,000. Greater good.