Seriously though, I have known four people who identified themselves as staunch libertarians and three of them were deranged in some manner. Of the four, one was a survivalist gun nut who wanted to live off the grid on 2 acres of weed-chocked land and actually wanted me to join him in his endeavor. The second guy was a complete nerd who had a unhealthy fascination with transhumanism and desired to be an immortal cyborg. I don't think I'll ever forget the anime posters were plastered all over his cubicle. Another guy was ex-military and a conspiracy theorist who believed in the NWO and UN black helicopters spiel. He happened to sit a few cubicles away from the transhumanist guy. The fourth was an undergrad econ professor. While he did look like a stereotypical libertarian (overweight, neckbeard, giant glasses), he wasn't ****ed in the head and knew his Austrian Economics. Libertarianism is not without merits, it just so happens that most of the people identify themselves as libertarians are insane.