Why haven't we been back to the moon?
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01-15-2010, 07:22 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Let's get some perspective on the money thing. According to Wiki, the US spent $2,979 Billion in 2008 alone. That doesn't include war spending.
And according to
this site
, the U.S. has spent ~$21, 214 Billion since year 2000.
I can go back to 1972 and add it up, adjust for inflation, etc., etc. but I think we get the point. Nor will I add up the litany of absurd funding Congress has appropriate over the years (ketchup research!), to illustrate that Congress doesn't always spend its (our) money in the wisest ways.
For sure Congress needs to keep a big slice of the pie tucked away for regularly scheduled regime change in countries with large oil reserves, but the notion that $125b is even remotely beyond the means of the United States seems pretty silly.
And what would the American people say if we announced another walk on the moon? Too wasteful? No reason? Can't afford it? None of the above. They'd say,
"**** YEAH!"
, because we're the coolest mother****ers on the planet and we want it to stay that way.
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