Why haven't we been back to the moon?
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01-16-2010, 01:19 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Oh yes, once they made copies someone said,
"**** it, I'm taping the World Series over this crap."
Did they tape the World Series over them, or, you know, actual things relevant to their mission?
My dad took all our old slides and scanned them onto a computer. He then GASP threw out the slides! Oh noes!
Who the **** gives a ****?
And I guess we can stop spending millions of dollars protecting and preserving the
U.S. Constitution
and thousands of other historical documents of groundbreaking events. Who needs 'em when we got copies? They're just ugly old papers anyway - chuck em and spend that money on
$600 toilet seats
for the DoD. If the original Constitution had been lost and all we had were copies, would that somehow mean the U.S. Government was invalid?
Preserving it is nice for historical curiosity, but it's hardly vital or even necessary. That's the very reason we *make copies* of things.
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