Most Americans have the right idea on SS.
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09-21-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
IMO, the best plan would
a) keep social security alive for those who NEED it
b) give those who don't need it an alternative
Those who don't need it and pay into it all their lives, or if we feel like it pay it at a higher AMOUNT (if not a higher rate), should have some kind of benefit if they decide not to take it or pay more.
I'm thinking lower capital gains taxes on investment. That way they'll be encouraged to invest more, thus taxed more (even if the tax is lower). Get 'em on volume.
The wealthy are more likely to invest their money, and are more likely to think (and actually do) they can beat the market. It's a win win!
They pay 4% on the dollar over 90k, but if they can beat that - gains tax in their investments they won't care. I am sure that is something they would like, even with the double taxation, and SS will get more money.
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