Errr, to be serious... Oslo, our capital, has more than 800.000 inhabitants, counting the suburbs, more than 500.000 if not. That alone is ~17% of our population. Bergen has ~250.000 inhabitants, amounting to 80% of Hordaland county. We're pretty urbanized. And believe me, our Lutheran morals are long gone. Unfortunately, if you ask me. 80% are part of the state church(not long until it's not a state church either btw), but almost all of those are liberals. And as for urban, multicultural societies, Oslo has a population share of ~25% immigrants. It grows by 2% each year, mostly from said immigrants. Statistics show the city will have a majority of immigrant decent in 20 years. We are very tolerant, one of the pioneers of gay rights. The only thing not tolerated, is intolerance. Well, except if it's Muslim intolerance, then it's okay.