Question for economics gurus
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10-28-2009, 11:06 PM
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Oct 2005
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Reaganomics" was simply cutting taxes for the rich and running a massive deficit to stimulate the economy Uh, Congress was democrat. Reagan had no control over the budgetary spending approved by congress. That being said, he did cut taxes, which was the best thing he could have done. Cut taxes, raise interest rates, get business moving again.
Funny how when Reagan does it the wing nuts love it and when Obama does it, for almost the same reason, the wing nuts act like it is a terrible thing. Bush jr tried the same thing but instead of real stimulus he just wasted the money on wars and give aways to the top 1%. Which is why you are still at war, except now you are spending 5x as much? I have to say that's a brilliant way of campaigning. Maybe Obama should try cutting taxes rather than jacking them up. There's a spot for him on the clue train.
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