Greatest German-American president?
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09-11-2009, 05:07 AM
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Oct 2005
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Well what's the etymology of Ollech?
I'm not sure. But it's definitely not an unknown name in Poland.
Well, not exactly "Ollech"
Germans, I don't know why, like to put double l where there's one in polish.
So Polak becomes Pollak, Krol/Kral becomes Kroll / Krall, Godula becomes Godulla, and Olech becomes Ollech.
I don't know what it can mean. It sounds as a male form of olcha (or: olsza), which is alder tree. My another idea is that it could be some form of Olek, which is a shortened form of Alexander. But that's not likely. I've checked in a three-tome polish dictionary and only olcha looks similar. A shame professor Miodek doesn't have his tv program. He used to clear up some problems with polish language, but also commented on questions concerning the origin of surnames. I think the olcha idea could be pretty good. There are lots of surnames based on animals or trees. And for explenation why do I think olcha and olech are similar: if we want to create a female form of Olek, it's Olka.
It's very probable you have polish origin. Among the people of Olech surname I found this guy on wikipedia:
he was a protestant pastor, a translator from german to polish, and also translated to german polish works of I. Krasicki, the bishop of Warmia /Ermland. He's probably some distant relative of yours
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