Hetalia 'Protests' in Korea
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08-22-2009, 06:46 AM
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Nov 2005
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Yeah, that happened a while ago. They ended up only doing webcast shorts. It started as a webcomic, IIRC.
The series itself can be fairly funny, but it certainly isn't PC. Towards anyone, and that includes Japan. Italy's reaction to Germany's cooking, for instance. And yeah, if anyone should be complaining about the show, it should be Italians...
--"I don't speak Korean so I have no idea what is going on here. "
Basically, some Japanese guy started a
that used personifications of all the countries as characters. They're all horribly stereotypical (America is stronger than he looks, always stuffs himself with junk food, thinks of himself as the hero, doesn't know geography at all, and loves to meddle in other people's business, but is really bad with supernatural stuff), and what little there is of a plot is a rather mixed up recasting of WWII. Most of it's just random humor strips. There's a site out there somewhere that's translating them, but the original artwork is extremely sketchy, so it can be hard to tell who's doing what unless names are mentioned.
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