Tube steak is serious business. There are empires built on the humble weiner, or frankfurter. Now, being a Chicagoan, my general hot dog topping is as follows: mustard diced, raw onions sweet pickili (it's a neo green relish) tomato slice cucumber spear celery salt sport peppers (optional) on a poppy seed bun I'm also partial to Skyline Chili dogs mustard diced, raw onions Skyline chili (no other will do) finely shredded mild cheddar I have, however, a new favorite. A local dog place down here, Dogma, has something called a Sedona. a slice of avacado sour cream a slice of bacon a couple slices of tomatoes and what I think is spicy chipotle ranch dressing yum! So, what goes on your dog. Keep in mind that the answer ketchup will get you mocked.